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Create a function that takes a start and end number as arguments, and creates an array of numbers containing both arguments and all numbers between them.

  //Gets the range of numbers
  function getRange(start, end) {
      let numbersArray = [];
      for (let i = start; i <= end; i++) {
      return numbersArray;

Next, create a function that takes the numbers array created in the last function, plus the numbers to represent "fizz" and "buzz". Create a template to display the data, and set up conditions to display "fizz", "buzz", or "fizzBuzz".

  //Display the numbers on the page
  function displayData(numbers, fizz, buzz) {
      const template = document.getElementById('data-template');
      const resultsBody = document.getElementById('resultsBody');
      //put template in html document to allow it to be counted and made dynamic (makes it able to be manipulated like a DOM element)
      //note that importNode is like cloneNode but allows you to reference a <template> in a different document, as opposed to a <template> in the same document
      let colCount = template.content.cloneNode(true).querySelectorAll("td").length;
      //clear the table
      resultsBody.innerHTML = "";

      //loop over every element in the nubers array
      //get the value and write it to the page
      for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length; i += colCount) {
          let dataRow = template.content.cloneNode(true);

          //Returns an array of columns
          let cols = dataRow.querySelectorAll("td");
          //loop over the columns
          for (let colIndex = 0; colIndex < cols.length; colIndex++) {
              let value = numbers[i + colIndex];
              if (typeof value === "undefined") {
                  value = "";
              } else if (value % fizz == 0 && value % buzz == 0) {
                  value = "FizzBuzz";
              } else if (value % buzz == 0 && value % fizz != 0) {
                  value = "Buzz";
              } else if (value % fizz == 0 && value % buzz != 0) {
                  value = "Fizz";
              // Note td's use textContent to set content
              cols[colIndex].textContent = value;
          // add the row to the page

Create a function that will disappear the user form and make the results table appear.

  //disappear form, appear table
  function tableTransition() {
      let form = document.getElementById("form-div");
      let table = document.getElementById("resultDiv");
      //make form disappear
      //make result table appear with results

Add a "click" event listener to the submit button. When clicked, the function takes the user's chosen range and chosen "fizz" and "buzz" numbers, and calls displayData with these as arguments. It also calls the tableTransition function.
  document.getElementById("submitBtn").addEventListener("click", printNumbers)

  //Take user input and print numbers to the page
  function printNumbers() {
      //get user inputs for range
      let startNum = parseInt(document.getElementById("numOne").value);
      let endNum = parseInt(document.getElementById("numTwo").value);
      //get user inputs for "fizz" and "buzz" numbers
      let fizz = parseInt(document.getElementById("fizz").value);
      let buzz = parseInt(document.getElementById("buzz").value)
      let numbers = getRange(startNum, endNum);
      displayData(numbers, fizz, buzz);